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Medical Sales Accelerator

Oct 24, 2022

Every human has the same problem–regardless of how progressive our world is, our brain still processes life through the lens of survival. And this means we encounter hundreds of biases every day that impact not only our own behavior, but the behavior and actions of our customers.

In this episode we turn the mic to...

Oct 17, 2022

Working hard is essential for success. But it’s not a long-term solution for your leadership credibility. In fact, you may need to “unlearn” some behaviors and beliefs that got you to where you are today. Leadership coach and author Jeff Shannon digs deep into these very topics in his book: “Hard Work is Not...

Oct 10, 2022

While he’s known for roasting daily absurdities of rep life, Mad Device Rep is a must-follow on social and a wealth of knowledge about life in the medical device sales industry.

Learn why he says that working with a good mentor is one of the best things you’ll ever do for you career (and your own...

Oct 3, 2022

Why do so few medical professionals start companies to address the problems that bother them in the industry? Preston Alexander says it has more to do with mindset than ability.

Preston is a healthcare entrepreneur, helping doctors and nurses take more ownership of the business side of healthcare. He helps build...